management by grouping. Management by grouping refers to set up different kinds of records and incoming call rings and “phonebook”. Another function of management by grouping is to add grouping; the user can define 16 groups.
1.Alter grouping ring styles
In altering grouping ring styles, you first need to choose the groups you are going to alter, then move the cursor onto “grouping ring styles”. Then press OK [or click with
2.Altering Grouping Icon
In altering the grouping icons, you just need to open what you choose (the way of opening is the same as altering grouping ring styles), then move the cursor onto the grouping icon, then press OK[or click with
3.Adding grouping
Choose “grouping management ” in the phonebook screen, then press the left soft key[or click with the
Note: if you have deleted the added grouping, the records of this grouping will return to its default value.
2.2.6Call the Present Record
Method1: choose a record with a number, and then enter the calling screen to start calling the chosen number. If the