the wash cycle, the KG Mode will weigh the clothes and update the wash time remaining on the display every five seconds until the weight has been determined.
DoIn somenot tryprogramsto open ithen thedoorinitwhenial phasethe doorof thelockedcycle indicatorthere are isplaonned, norspopeni sequencesthe to dispenserensure optdrawerimal washduringresultsthe. wash programme.
IfDoyounotwishtry totoopenpausethethedoorprogrammewhen thepressdoorthelockedStartindicatorPause button;is on, afternor opentwo minutesthe
youdispenserwill bedrawerable toduringopen tthe doorwash. Toprogrammecancel the. programme the programme selector should be turned to the OFF position. A new programme can be selected after cancellingIf you wishtheto pauserevioustheprogramme. press the Start Pause button; after two minutes you will be able to open the door. To cancel the programme the programme selector Whenshould betheturnedprogrammeto the OFF positionhas. Afinishednew programme can be selected after cancellingWait approximatelythe previoustwoprogrammeminutes for. the door lock to be released. When the door locked indicator light goes out it will then be safe to open the door.
When the programme has finished
SwitchWait approximatelyoff the machinetwobyminutesturningforthetheprogrammedoor lock selectorbe releasedto the .OFFWhenpositionthe doorso that it willlockedbe indicatorready thelightnextgoestime outyouitusewillthethenmachinebe safe(thisto openactiontheresetsdoor.the memory in the machine). Open the door and remove the laundry. Disconnect the plug from the mains
powerSwitch supplyoff the andmachineturn byoff turningthe waterthesupplyprogrammewhenevselectoryou finishto the usingOFF position. so that it will be ready the next time you use the machine (this action resets the memory in the machine). Open the door and remove the laundry. Disconnect the plug from the mains power supply and turn off the water supply whenever you finish using it.