HotBrick, Tel: 305 -398-0888, Fax: 305-398-5966
Ping Before Notification - A threshold valuefor themaximum Pingsallowed to each interfaceonthisdevicein aminute. Thevalid valuesrangefrom0 to 9999.
Management Assistant – SNMP
Thissectionisonly useful if youhaveSNMP(SimpleNetwork Management Protocol) softwareon a PC or server. If youhaveSNMPsoftware, youcan useastandard MIB 2 f ilewith theVPN 800/8 F.
System Information
Contact Person – The contact informationfor thepersonresponsiblefor thisdevice.
Device name – Thenameof theVPN800/8 F Firewall.
Physical Location – Thelocationof the VPN800/8 F Firewall.
Community – A relationship between an SNMP agent andaset of SNMP managersthat defines authentication,accesscontrol, andproxy characteristics.
Trap Targets - Enter theIP addressof any targets(PCsrunningSNMP software) that you want to receive traps.All trapsarelevel 1.