HotBrick, Tel: 305 -398-0888, Fax: 305-398-5966
LAN IP Configuration:
IP address - for the VPN800/8 F Firewall, as seen from the local LAN. Use the default value unless the address is already in use or your LAN is using a different IP address range. In the latter case, enter an unused IP Address from within the range used by your LAN.
Subnet Mask
DHCP server configuration :
DHCP Server Setup - If enabled, the VPN800/8 F Firewall will allocate IP Addresses to PCs (DHCP clients) on your LAN when they start up. The default and recommended value is "Enable". (Windows Systems, by default, act as DHCP clients. This setting is called Obtain an IP address automatically.)
DHCP Server Setup - If you are already using a DHCP Server, the DHCP Server
setting must be disabled, and the existing DHCP server must be set to provide the IP address of the VPN800/8 F Firewall as the Default Gateway.
Client Lease Time – This is the period of time that a DHCP server leases an IP address to a DHCP client.
DHCP IP address range
Offered Range fields set the values used by the DHCP server when allocating IP Addresses to DHCP clients. This range also determines the number of DHCP clients supported.
Free Entries indicates how many DHCP entries are not currently allocated, and available.
ARP Proxy
Enable this ONLY if the LAN port has an IP address in the same address range as the WAN port(s). This means that all PCs using this Gateway must have valid fixed external (Internet) IP addresses. If enabled, enter the IP address range used on your LAN.
LAN Any IP Setup
The default is disabled. If you enable “LAN ANY IP”, that means no matter what static IP address your client has, the client does not need to change their IP address to access the Internet. This is normally used when the client is on a different IP segment than the LAN segment.