
If the X– and Y–register values are close together, and the Z–register value is close to zero, the estimate from the X–register may be an approximation to a root.

Interrupting a SOLVE Calculation

To halt a calculation, press †or f. The current best estimate of the root is in the unknown variable; use to view it without disturbing the stack.

Choosing Initial Guesses for SOLVE

The two initial guesses come from:

The number currently stored in the unknown variable.

The number in the X–register (the display).

These sources are used for guesses whether you enter guesses or not. If you enter only one guess and store it in the variable, the second guess will be the same value since the display also holds the number you just stored in the variable. (If such is the case, the calculator changes one guess slightly so that it has two different guesses.)

Entering your own guesses has the following advantages:

By narrowing the range of search, guesses can reduce the time to find a solution.

If there is more than one mathematical solution, guesses can direct tote SOLVE procedure to the desired answer or range of answers. For example, the equation of linear motion

d = v0 t + 1/2 gt2

can have two solutions for t. You can direct the answer to the only meaningful one (t > 0) by entering appropriate guesses.

The example using this equation earlier in this chapter didn't require you

Solving Equations 7–7

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

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