Can start here.












Branches to Z.

 ! '













Can start here.















Branches to Z.

 ! '













Can start here.















Branches to Z.

 ! '











'  '


Branch to here.















Using GTO from the Keyboard

You can use zUto move the program pointer to a specified label or line number without starting program execution.

To  !: zUŒŒ.

To a line number: zUŒlabel nn (nn < 100). For example, z UŒA05.

To a label: zUlabel —but only if program entry is not active (no program lines displayed; PRGM off). For example, zUA.

13–6 Programming Techniques

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm