Flags Used:


Memory Required:

348 bytes: 212 for program, 136 for variables.

Program Instructions:

1.Key in the program routines; press †when done.

2.Press WA to input coefficients of matrix and column vector.

3.Key in coefficient or vector value (A through L) at each prompt and press


4.Optional: press WD to compute determinant of 3 3 system.

5.Press WI to compute inverse of 3 3 matrix.

6.Optional: press WA and repeatedly press fto review the values of the inverted matrix.

7.Press WM to multiply the inverted matrix by the column vector and to see the value of X . Press fto see the value of Y, then press fagain to see the value of Z.

8.For a new case, go back to step 2.

Variables Used:


A through I

Coefficients of matrix.

J through L

Column vector values.


Scratch variable used to store the determinant.

X through Z

Output vector values; also used for scratch.


Loop–control value (index variable); also used for




For 2 2 solutions use zero for coefficients C, F, H, G and for L. Use 1 for coefficient I.

Not all systems of equations have solutions.

15–18 Mathematics Programs

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm