Program Lines:Description

% ! & If all factors have been tried, branches to the display




Calculates the next possible factor, D + 2.

% !- 

% ! % Branches to test potential prime with new factor. Checksum and length: 061F 021.0

Flags Used:


Memory Required:

61 bytes: 45 for program, 16 for variables.

Program Instructions:

1.Key in the program routines; press †when done.

2.Key in a positive integer greater than 3.

3.Press WP to run program. Prime number, P will b e displayed.

4.To see the next prime number, press f.

Variables Used:

PPrime value and potential prime values.

DDivisor used to test the current value of P.


No test is made to ensure that the input is greater than 3.


What is the first prime number after 789? What is the next prime number?

Keys: Display:Description:

Miscellaneous Programs and Equations 17–9

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm