To cancel the VIEW display, press aor †once.

Reviewing Variables in the VAR Catalog

The zX(memory) function provides information about memory:

QQQ)Q # 

where nnn.n is the number of bytes of available memory. Pressing the {#} menu key displays the catalog of variables. Pressing the {} menu key displays the catalog of programs.

To review the values at any or all non–zero variables:

1.Press zX{VAR}.

2.Press z˜or z—to move the list and display the desired variable. (Note the TS annunciator, indicating that the left–shifted ˜ and —keys are active, If Fraction–display mode is active, TS does not indicate accuracy.)

To see all the significant digits of a number displayed in the {#} catalog, press {. (If it is a binary number with more than 12 digits, use the <and 6keys to see the rest.)

3.To copy a displayed variable from the catalog to the X–register, press


4.To clear a variable to zero, press zbwhile it is displayed in the catalog.

5.Press †to cancel the catalog.

Clearing Variables

Variables' values are retained by Continuous Memory until you replace there or clear them. Clearing a variable stores a zero there; a value of zero takes no memory.

To clear a single variable:Storing Data into Variables 3–3

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm