names are printed in orange and blue above each key. Press the appropriate shift key (zor {) before pressing the key for the desired function. For example, to turn the calculator off, press and release the {shift key, then press †.

Pressing zor {turns on the corresponding or ¡annunciator symbol at the top of the display. The annunciator remains on until you press the next key. To cancel a shift key (and turn off its annunciator), press the same shift key again.

Alpha Keys

























































Menu name


















































Letter for













































































































alphabetic key

































Most keys have a letter written next to them, as shown above. Whenever you need to type a letter (for example, a variable or a program label), the A..Zannunciator appears in the display, indicating that the alpha keys are "active".

Variables are covered in chapter 3; labels are covered in chapter 6.

Backspacing and Clearing

One of the first things you need to know is how to clear; how to correct numbers, clear the display, or start over.

1–2 Getting Started

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm