Printed Date : 2003/4/24
Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
Memory Required:
94 bytes: 54 bytes for the equation, 40 bytes for variables.
17–2 Miscellaneous Programs and Equations
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
º _ ºº1.¾ ºº1.1-¾.1-ª_
š ºº1.1-Terminates the equation. / )Checksum and length.
Starts entering equation.
KP y100
y{\1 „ y{\1 ™
KI p100
{]0 „KN {]
pKI ™KF y {\1 ™KI p100 {] 0„KN
or current equation

problem can he viewed from two perspectives. The lender and the borrower view the same problem with reversed signs.

Equation Entry:

Key in this equation:


Keys:Display: Description:


  ! !

Selects Equation mode.