Operations with Comb Numbers

The HP 32SII can use complex numbers in the form

x+ iy.

It has operations for complex arithmetic (+, –, , ), complex trigonometry (sin, cos, tan), and the mathematics functions z, 1/z, z1z2 , ln z, and e z. (where z1 and z2 are complex numbers).

To enter a complex number:

1.Type the imaginary part.

2.Press š.

3.Type the real part.

Complex numbers in the HP 32SII are handled by entering each part (imaginary and real) of a complex number as a separate entry. To enter two complex numbers, you enter four separate numbers. To do a complex operation, press zFbefore the operator. For example, to do

(2 + i 4) + (3 + i 5),

press 4 š2 š5 š3zF™.

The result is 5 + i 9. (Press Zto see the imaginary part.)

The Complex Stack

The complex stack is really the regular memory stack split into two double registers for holding two complex numbers, z1X, + i z1y and z2X + i z2y:

Operations with Comb Numbers 9–1

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm