Tests of Comparison (x?y, x?0)

There are 12 comparisons available for programming. Pressing zlor

{ndisplays a. menu for one of the two categories of tests: x?y for tests comparing x and y.

x?0 for tests comparing x and 0.

Remember that x refers to the number in the X–register, and y refers to the number in the Y–register. These do not compare the variables X and Y.

Select the category of comparison, then press the menu key for the conditional instruction you want.

The Test Menus



{} for x y?

{} for x0?

{} for xy?

{} for x0?

{<} for x<y?

{/} for x<0?

{>} for x>y?

{>} for x>0?

{} for x y?

{} for x0?

{/} for x=y?

{/} for x=0?



If you execute a conditional test from the keyboard, the calculator will display & or .


The "Normal and Inverse–Normal Distributions" program in chapter 16 uses the x<y? conditional in routine T:

Program Lines:




! ª

! !- % !  ! )


Calculates the correction for X guess.

Adds the correction to yield a new X guess.

13–8 Programming Techniques

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm