!ª1L2    L  !   !
Program Lines:   
 º      º   .  !     !    L
  !     %   !     %   !    '  !   
 ! L   $


Calculates G', determinant = DH – EG.

Stores D'.

Stores I'.

Stores E'.

Stores F'.

Stores H'.

Sets index value to point to last element of matrix. Recalls value of determinant.

Checksum and length: 4C14 105.0

This routine completes inverse by dividing by determinant.

Divides element.

Decrements index value so it points closer to A. Loops for next value.

Returns to the calling program or to  !. Checksum and length: 9737 007.5



This routine multiplies a column matrix and a 3 3 matrix.

Sets index value to point, to last clement in first row.

Mathematics Programs 15–15

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm