Clearing One or More ProgramsTo clear a specific program from memory

1.Press zX{} and display (using z˜and z—) the label of the program.

2.Press zb.

3.Press †to cancel the catalog or ato back out.

To clear all programs from memory:

1.Press zdto display program lines (PRGM annunciator on).

2.Press zb{} to clear program memory.

3.The message   @ &  prompts you for confirmation. Press {&}.

4.Press zdto cancel program entry.

Clearing all of memory (zb{}) also clears all programs.

The Checksum

The checksum is a unique hexadecimal value given to each program label and its associated lines (until the next label). This number is useful for comparison with a known checksum for an existing program that you have keyed into program memory. If the known checksum and the one shown by your calculator are the same, then you have correctly entered all the lines of the program, To see your checksum:

1.Press zX{} for the catalog of program labels.

2.Display the appropriate label by using the arrow keys, if necessary.

3.Press and hold {to display /value length.

For example, to see the checksum for the current program (the "cylinder" program):


zX{}   ) Displays label C, which takes 61.5 bytes.

{ /  )Checksum and length.

12–22 Simple Programming

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm