


37.9f &@)

100 f %@)

36.2f &@)

97.5f %@)

35.1f &@ )

95.5f %@ )

34.6f &@ )

94 f







37 f &@ )  

101 f %@ ) 

Example 2:

Retrieves %@ prompt.

Deletes the last pair. Now proceed with the correct data entry.

Enters correct x–value of data pair.

Enters y–value of data pair.

Enters x–value of data pair.

Enters y–value of data pair.

Enters x–value of data pair.

Enters y–value of data pair.

Enters x–valise of data pair.

Enters y–value of data pair.

Calculates the correlation coefficient.

Calculates regression coefficient B.

Calculates regression coefficient


Prompts for hypothetical x–value. Stores 37 in X and calculates yˆ. Stores 101 in Y and calculates xˆ .

Repeat example 1 (using the same data) for logarithmic, exponential, and power curve fits. The table below gives you the starting execution label and the results (the correlation and regression coefficients and the x– and y– estimates) for each type of curve. You will need to reenter the data values each time you run the program for a different curve fit.

16–10 Statistics Programs

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm