
Program Lines:









Sets flag 8.





Displays message, then shows the fraction.













Sets flag 9.




Displays message, then shows the fraction.




 !  Goes to beginning of program. Checksum and length: 10C3 102.0

Use the above program to see the different forms of fraction display:




Executes label F; prompts for a



fractional number (V).

2.53 f


Stores 2.53 in V; prompts for



denominator (D).

16 f

Stores 16 as the /c value. Displays



message, then the decimal




f !  Message indicates the fraction

d +

format (denominator is no greater


than 16), then shows the fraction.


d indicates that the numerator is


"a little below" 8..

f! Message indicates the fraction

Programming Techniques 13–15

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm