Storing Data into Variables

The HP 32II has 384 bytes of user memory: memory that you can use to store numbers, equations, and program lines. Numbers are stored in locations called variables, each named with a letter from A through Z. (You can choose the letter to remind you of what is stored there, such as B for bank balance and C for the speed of light.)

3- 1 Picture

1.Cursor prompts for variable.

2.Indicates letter keys are active.

3.Letter keys.

Each white letter is associated with a key and a unique variable. The letter keys are automatically active when needed. (The A..Z annunciator in the display confirms this.)

Note that the variables, X, Y, Z and T are different storage locations from the X–register, Y–register, Z–register, and T–register in the stack.

Storing and Recalling Numbers

Numbers are stored into and recalled from lettered variables with the H (store) and K(recll) functions.

To store a copy of a displayed number (X–register) to a variable:

Press Hletter–key.

To recall a copy of a number from a variable to the display:

Press Kletter–key.

Storing Data into Variables 3–1

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm