Arithmetic in bases 2, 8, and 16 is in 2's complement form and uses integers only:

If a number has a fractional part, only the integer part is used for an arithmetic calculation.

The result of an operation is always an integer (any fractional portion is truncated).

Whereas conversions change only the displayed number and not the number in the X–register, arithmetic does alter the number in the X–register.

If the result of an operation cannot be represented in 36 bits, the display shows #$ and then shows the largest positive or negative number possible.


Here are some examples of arithmetic in Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary modes:



12F šE9A ™


7760 š4326 „

100 š5 p

zw{%} 5A0

12F16 + E9A16 = ?

Display: Description:

Sets base 16; HEX annunciator on.


77608 – 43268=?

Sets base 8: OCT annunciator on. Converts displayed number to octal.


1008 – 58=?

 Integer part of result.

5A016 + 10011002 =? _Set base 16; HEX

Base Conversions and Arithmetic 10–3

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm