
The calculator responds to certain conditions or keystrokes by displaying a message. The £symbol comes on to call your attention to the message. For significant conditions, the message remains until you clear it. Pressing †or

@clears the message; pressing am other key clears the message and executes that key's function.



1 #2  # /

A running program attempted t select a program label (/label) while an integration calculation was running.

A running program attempted to integrate a program ( G variable) while another integration calculation was running.

A running program attempted to solve a program while an integration calculation was running.

The catalog of variables ( zX{#} ) indicates no values stored.

"!The calculator is executing a function that might take a while.

 @ & 

  @ & 

Allows you to verily clearing the equation you are editing. (Occurs only in Equation–entry mode.) Allows you to verify clearing all program in memory.

(Occurs only in Program–entry mode.)

# &

Attempted to divide by zero. (Includes Sif


Y–register contains zero.)

"!)Attempted to enter a program label that already exists


for another program routine.

  ! !

Indicates the "top" of equation memory. The memory


scheme is circular, so   ! ! is also the


"equation" after the last equation in equation






File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424



Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm