Solve for X using initial guesses of 10–8and –10–8.

Keys: Display:Description:

`8 _HX

1 _`8 _







Enters guesses.



.). Selects program "J" as the function.

 ! No root found using very small guesses near zero (thereby restricting the search to the flat region of the function).

).  The last two estimates are far ) apart, and the final value of f(x) is ) large.

If you use larger guesses, then SOLVE can find the roots, which are outside the flat region (at x = 2 and x = –2).

Round–Off Error

The limited (12–digit) precision of the calculator can cause errors due to rounding off, which adversely affect the iterative solutions of SOLVE and integration. For example,

[( x + 1) + 1015]2 -1030= 0

has no roots because f(x) is always greater than zero. However, given initial guesses of 1 and 2, SOLVE returns the answer 1.0000 due to round–off error.

Round–off error can also cause SOLVE to fail to find a root. The equation

x2 - 7 = 0

has a root at 7 . However, no 12–digit number exactly equals 7 , so the calculator can never make the function equal to zero. Furthermore, the

C–14 More about Solving

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm