Programming Note:

Equations using inverse trigonometric functions to determine an angle θ, often look something like this:

θ= arctan (y/x).

If x = 0, then y/x is undefined, resulting in the error: # & . For a program, then, it would be more reliable to determine θ by a rectangular– to polar conversion, which converts (x,y) to (r,θ). See "Coordinate Conversions" later in this chapter.

Hyperbolic Functions

With x in the display:

To Calculate




Hyperbolic sine of x (SINH).


Hyperbolic cosine of x (COSH).


Hyperbolic tangent of x (TANH).


Hyperbolic arc sine of x (ASINH).


Hyperbolic arc cosine of x (ACOSH).


Hyperbolic arc tangent of x (ATANH).




Percentage Functions

The percentage functions are special (compared with yand p) because they preserve the value of the base number (in the Y–register) when they return the result of the percentage calculation (in the X–register). You can then carry out subsequent calculations using both the base number and the result without reentering the base number.

Real–Number Functions 4–5

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Printed Date : 2003/4/24

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