Table 7.2 General HP Jetdirect Messages (1 of 10)
Message | Description |
ARP DUPLICATE IP | The ARP layer has detected another node on the network |
ADDRESS | using the same IP address as the HP Jetdirect print |
| server. Extended error information below this message |
| shows the hardware address of the other node. |
BABBLE ERROR | Run the |
| again. If the error persists, replace the HP Jetdirect print |
| server. For information on replacing your HP Jetdirect |
| print server, see the hardware installation guide for your |
| print server. |
BAD BOOTP REPLY | An error was detected in the BOOTP reply that the |
| HP Jetdirect print server received. The BOOTP reply |
| either had insufficient data in the UDP datagram to contain |
| the minimum BOOTP header of 236 bytes, had an |
| operation field that was not BOOTPREPLY(0X02), had a |
| header field that did not match the print servers hardware |
| address, or had a UDP source port that was not the |
| BOOTP server port (67/udp). |
BAD BOOTP TAG SIZE | The tagsize in a vendor specific field in the BOOTP reply |
| is either 0, or greater than the remaining number of |
| unprocessed bytes in the vendor specified area. |
BOOTP/DHCP IN | The HP Jetdirect print server is currently in the process of |
PROGRESS | obtaining its basic IP configuration information through |
| BOOTP/DHCP, and has not detected any errors. |
CF ERR - ACCESS LIST | The TFTP configuration file specified too many access list |
EXCEEDED | entries using the “allow:” keyword. |
CF ERR - FILE | The TFTP configuration file contained an incomplete last |
INCOMPLETE | line that did not end in a newline character. |
CF ERR - INVALID | A line in the TFTP configuration file contained an invalid |
PARAM | value for one of the parameters on that line. |
CF ERR - LINE TOO | A line being processed in the TFTP configuration file was |
LONG | longer than the HP Jetdirect print server could accept. |
CF ERR - MISSING | A line in the TFTP configuration file was missing a required |
PARAM | parameter. |
CF ERR - TRAP LIST | The TFTP configuration file specified too many trap |
EXCEEDED | destination list entries using the |
| keyword. |
CF ERR - UNKNOWN | A TFTP configuration file line contained an unknown |
KEYWORD | keyword. |
ENWW | HP Jetdirect Configuration Page Messages 69 |