Table 7.2 General HP Jetdirect Messages (7 of 10)
Message | Description |
NOT CONFIGURED | The HP Jetdirect print server has not been configured for |
| NetWare. Use the printer installation software to configure |
| the print server for NetWare networks. |
NOVRAM ERROR | The HP Jetdirect print server cannot read the contents of |
| its NOVRAM. |
OUT OF BUFFERS | The HP Jetdirect print server was unable to allocate a |
| buffer from its internal memory. This indicates all buffers |
| are busy due possibly to heavy broadcast traffic or large |
| amounts of network traffic directed to the print server. |
| on again. |
PASSWORD ERROR | The HP Jetdirect print server detected that the password |
| for the NetWare print server object is wrong. Use the |
| PCONSOLE utility to erase the password for the print |
| server object. When the HP Jetdirect print server logs on |
| again, it sets a new password. |
| Note: When multiple file servers are configured, the error |
| is only displayed on the configuration page if none of the |
| file servers are connected. |
POSTSCRIPT MODE | The printer does not support the EtherTalk extensions. It |
NOT SELECTED | may be a printer which does not support AppleTalk. When |
or POSTSCRIPT | this message is displayed, the other AppleTalk messages |
| displayed. |
PRINT SERVER NOT | The file server does not have a print server object that |
DEFINED | corresponds to the specified NetWare node name. Use |
| printer installation software or PCONSOLE to create the |
| print server object. |
| When the HP Jetdirect print server is configured for |
| multiple file servers, the error is only displayed on the |
| configuration page if none of the file servers made the |
| connection. |
PRINTER NUMBER IN | The printer number assigned to the printer is already in |
USE | use by another printer. Assign an unused printer number. |
| This may also occur when a printer is power cycled, in |
| which case the error goes away after the print server times |
| out and detects the lost connection. |
PRINTER NUMBER NOT | The printer number you assigned to the remote printer has |
DEFINED | not been defined. Assign a valid printer number to the |
| HP Jetdirect print server, or run PCONSOLE and define a |
| printer number for the print server. |
ENWW | HP Jetdirect Configuration Page Messages 75 |