50 REMOTE Source

60 OUTPUTSource;"*RST"

70OUTPUT Source;"FREQuency:MODE SWEep"

80OUTPUT Source;"FREQuency:STARt 4 GHZ"

90OUTPUT Source;"FREQuency:STOP 7 GHz"

100 OUTPUT Source;"POWer:LEVel -5 DBM"

110 OUTPUT Source;"SWEep:TIME 500MS"

120 OUTPUT Source;" :MARKerl:STATe 0N;FREQuency 4.5GHZ"

130 OUTPUT Source;"MARKer2:STATe 0N;FREQuency 611lE6"

140 OUTPUTSource;"*OPC?"

150 ENTER Source;X

160 OUTPUT Source;"POWer:STATe ON"

170OUTPUT Source;"INITIate:CONTinuous ON"


190PRINT "Source setup complete."

200PRINT "Verify that the source is sweeping from"

210PRINT "4 GHz to 7 GHz at a power of - 5 dBm,"

220PRINT "with a sweeptime of 0.5 seconds."


Run the program.

Program Comments

10: Assign the source’s HP-IB address to a variable.

20 to 50: Abort any HP-IB activity and initialize the HP-IB interface.

60:Set the source to its initial state for programming. The *RST state is not the same as the PRESET state. For complete details of the instrument state at *RST, see “SCPI Command Summary," in Chapter 2.

70:Select the frequency mode to be SWEEP instead of the default sweep mode of “CW” that was selected with *RST.

80:Set the source start frequency to 4 GHz.

90:Set the source stop frequency to 7 GHz. Note the optional usage of the short-form mnemonic, “FREQ”.

100:Set the source’s power level to -5 dBm.

110:Set the sweeptime to 500 ms. Notice that upper/lower case in commands does not matter. Also spaces before the suffix (“MS”) are not required in SCPI.

120 and 130: Set markers 1 and 2 to a fixed value. Notice that the value for marker 2 does not end with a frequency suffix. Hertz is a default terminator and is understood.

140:Wait until the source has completed setting up the commands that have been sent so far before turning on the output.

150:The ENTER statement causes the program to wait here until the source responds to the previous *OPC? with a ‘1’.

Getting Started Programming 1-91

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HP 24A, 83620A, 22A manual Program Comments