positions to the bandwidth, < 20 Hz and > 100 kHz, but any numeric is accepted. The value is compared to 1 kHz and the correct position is determined (> 1 kHz sets the position to 100 kHz and

5 1 kHz sets the position to 20 Hz). After *RST, the value is 100 kHz.

FM:INTernal:FREQuency <num>[freq suffix] IMAXimumlMINimum

FM:INTernal:FREQuency? [MAXimumlMINimum]

Sets and queries the frequency (in Hz) of the internal FM source.

After *RST, the value is 1 MHz.

FM:INTernal:FUNCtion SINusoid~SQUarelTRIagleiRAMPlNOISe


Sets and queries the waveform of the internal FM source.

After “RST, the value is SINusoid.

FM:SOURce INTernallEXTernal


Sets and queries the source of the FM modulating signal.

After *RST, the value is EXTernal.

FM:SENSitivity <num>[freq suffix/V] lMAXimumlMINimum

FM:SENSitivity? CMAXimumIMINimum]

Sets and queries the FM Input sensitivity.

The *RST value is MAX (10 MHz/V) .



Sets and queries the FM modulation state.

After *RST, the value is OFF.

Frequency Subsystem

Any two frequency setting headers (STARt, STOP, CENTer, or


SPAN) may be sent in a single message and the resulting sweep


is what was requested. The order of the headers in the message


does not make any difference in the final result. When a message is


completed, coupling equations are used to fix the unset parameters to


the correct values. These equations specify that:


center frequency = (start + stop) / 2


frequency span = (stop - start)


If more than two are sent then the last two in the message are used


to determine the sweep and no errors are given.


If only one header is sent in a message, then the assumed pairs are


center/span and start/stop. In other words, if only center is sent,


then span is kept constant (if possible) while adjusting center to the


requested value. The start/stop frequencies are updated to reflect the


changes based on the coupling equations.

HP 8360

Operating and Programming Reference S-35

User’s Handbook


Page 333
Image 333
HP 83620A, 24A, 22A manual Frequency Subsystem