HP 22A, 83620A, 24A manual Using the User Flatness Correction Commands Example Program, Clear Screen

Models: 22A 24A 83620A

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Using the User Flatness

Correction Commands,

Example Program 8

The following program interrogates the synthesizer and an HP 437B power meter for frequency and power information respectively.

The synthesizer (an HP 83620A) is programmed to sweep from

2 to 20 GHz, with frequency-correction pairs every 100 MHz and

+5 dBm leveled output power. For this example, we assume that the path losses do not exceed 5 dBm and that the HP 437B power meter already has its power sensor’s calibration factors stored in sensor data table 0. If another power meter is used, the power sensor’s calibration factors will have to be stored in a look-up table. Modify the program to suit your particular measurement requirements. Up to 801 points may be entered in the user flatness correction table with this program.

SCPI commands are used to set up the source parameters and enter correction frequencies and data into the correction table.

10!Assign the address of the source and power meter

20ASSIGN QSource TO 719

30ASSIGN @Meter TO 713

40INTEGER Error-flag



70!Set up source

80OUTPUT @Source; "*RST"

90OUTPUT @Source; "FREQuency:MODE SWEep; STARt 2 GHZ; STOP 20 GHZ"

100OUTPUT @Source; "SWEep:TIME 200 MS"

110OUTPUT @Source; "POWer:LEVel 5 DBM;:INITiate:CONTinuous ON"


OUTPUT @Source; "*OPC?"

!Is o p e r a t i o n c o m p l e t e ?


ENTER @Source; Done





150 !Set up power meter


160 OUTPUT @Meter; "PR"


170 OUTPUT @Meter; "FA"


180 OUTPUT @Meter; "TRO"






!Zero power meter




!Make s u r e R F i s o f f !

2 2 0 Z e r o - m e t e r ( @ M e t e r , E r r o r - f l a g )

230IF Error - flag THEN



260PRINT "Error: Meter did not complete zeroing operation!"



29 0 ! S e t u p c o r r e c t i o n f r e q u e n c i e s i n U s e r F l a t n e s s C o r r e c t i o n t a b l e

300OUTPUT @Source; "CORRection:FLATness I';





350WHILE Freq<Stop-freq

1-96 Getting Started Programming

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HP 22A, 83620A, 24A manual Using the User Flatness Correction Commands Example Program, Clear Screen