*RST state is AUTO.

LIST[:POWer]:CORRection (<num>[DB]IMAXimumlMINimum~l*801


Sets and queries the list of correction levels that correspond to each of the frequencies entered using the LIST:FREQ command. The attenuator is not allowed to change during the list execution. The number of parameters can be from 1 to 801.

After *RST, the value is 0.

LIST[:POWer]:CORRection:POINts? [MAXimumMINimum] Returns the number of correction points that have been entered into the list array. After *RST returns a 1.

LIST:TRIGger:SOURce IMMediatelBUSlEXTernal


Sets and queries the list point-to-point trigger source when in the automatic list mode. See LIST:MODE and 1NIT:CONT for more details. *RST state is IMMediate.

MARKerh]:AMPLitude[:STATe] ONIOFF Ill0


Sets and queries the amplitude marker on/off switch. While [n] may be used, there is really only a single switch for all the markers.

*RST value is OFF.

MARKer[n]:AMPLitude:VALue <num>[DB] IMAXimum IMINimum

MARKer[n]:AMPLitude:VALue? [MAXimumMINimum]

Sets and queries the value of the amplitude marker. While [n] may be used, there is really only a single value for all the markers. *RST value is 2 dB.


Sets all the markers to OFF at once. While [n] may be used, there is really only a single switch for all the markers.

MARKer[n]:DELTa? <num>,<num>

This query returns the difference in frequency between the two specified marker numbers.

MARKer[n]:FREQuency <mm> [freq suffix]lMAXimumiMINimum

MARKer[n]:FREQuency? [MAXimumMINimum]

Sets and queries the specified marker frequency (marker number one is the default if [n] is not specified). The value is interpreted differently based on the value of the marker mode.

S-40 Operating and Programming Reference

HP 8360



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HP 22A, 83620A, 24A manual Operating and Programming Reference User’s