No. | Item | Item display | Parameters | Description | Initial value |
| (upper line) | display (lower |
| line) |
2 | Heat suspending | DELAY TIME | 00 to 30 MINUTES | UNIT: minute | 05 MINUTES |
| time after printing |
3 | Standby heating | STANDBY TIME | 0, 30, 60, 90, | Unit: minutes | 30 |
| time after |
| 120, ENDLESS |
| completion of |
4 | Version display | VERSION | FW=vv.r HW=vv.r | Display only | – |
5 | Diagnostics | DIAGNOSTICS | NO, YES | NO: Does not | NO |
| perform the |
| diagnostics. |
| YES: Performs |
| the diagnostics. |
6 | Display language | LANGUAGE | ENGLISH | – | ENGLISH |
7 | Exit setup mode | EXIT | YES, NO | YES: Exits the | YES |
| parameter setup |
| mode. |
NO: Does not exit the parameter setup mode.
*1 Display only, ON/OFF key is ignored.
Heater error messages
When the following error messages are displayed on the heater front panel, contact HP Support.
●System error
●The relay board cannot be detected
●Front heater thermistor temperature error
ENWW | Heater error messages | 175 |