Reinitializing the Terminal Server
Use a PC or terminal connected to the AUX port to
Note: This procedure requires that you
1.Reboot the unit.
2.Watch the LEDs carefully. When the Pulse LED lights, wait approximately
3.Type INIT, do not press Enter! You will be asked to confirm system re- initialization, type YES. Begin this step within 10 seconds of completing step 2.
5.Download the HP.CFG and appropriate configuration files.
6.Configure the terminal server with the HP.CFG file and the appropriate configuration file. See the next section for further information about configuration files.
Working with Configuration Files
Each terminal server has a configuration file that specifies the parameters of the terminal server and determines how the unit operates. This file includes the Action Table, user Action Routines, System Parameters, and Parameters of the AUX, Modem, Host Ports and Text Pager Messages. Configuration files are created online or offline and are saved in ASCII file format with the extension *.cfg. One file can be used to replicate parameters across multiple terminal servers. Configuration files can be saved to a storage device, saved to the RAMdisk, or printed to a screen.