Examples: 101296AM.100
Note that in the screen above the default filename is CURRENT.0. The current buffer file for a host port is always named either CURRENT.0 or CURRENT.1. When the buffer is switched, the buffer file is renamed to indicate the host port number from which the data was collected and the date and time the buffer was opened.
Files collected via host port data by the terminal server are stored in the directory of that host port and are assigned sequential names in order to provide the user a means of identifying when and where the data in the file was gathered. The terminal server uses following naming convention:
Where: H = the letter H
n = host port number
yy= year mm = month dd = day hh = hour
q = a letter (starting with ‘A’) used to differentiate multiple files opened during the same hour.
Example 1: H2981218.14A
In this example, data is collected from host port 2 on the 18th day of December (12) in 1998 (98) at
Example 2: HG980709.08D
In this example, data is collected from host port 16 (H), on the 9th day of July (07) in 1998 (98) at