NOTE: The character represents a carriage return, and allows more than one command to be entered on a single line as though it were being entered on multiple lines. The ~ character forces a one second delay. After editing the field, press Enter.
Verifying the Settings
To ensure that the settings are correct, do the following:
∙Dial into the terminal server to verify that you can access it. Log on as a Master user. If you cannot dial in, check the modem port settings.
∙Check that the terminal server can dial out. Add an Action Item PHONHOME that is issued when a particular event is generated. Generate the event by using the GE command. (See Chapter 1 for more information on Action Tables and Action Items.) Have the terminal server dial a PC running a terminal emulation program. If the connection is successful, the date, time, site name, alarm and event comment is displayed on the screen.