In the example worksheet, note that the "SYS000" (System Reload) and "INI000" (System Reload Result) are among the types of messages that are being monitored. Other messages are BSD090 (Power Failure), the Digital Trunking Alarms (DTA and DTI), and the ERR series of alarms.
2.Decide what action is to be taken when a particular alarm condition is received.
Based on the action, you should then "match" this action to the alarm you select.
In the worksheet example, the alarm "SYS000" has been "matched" with the Action Routine "SCHEDULE" (which schedules a future action). The SCHEDULE routine requires that you define the action to be taken as well as the time at which that will occur. In the example, the SCHEDULE routine has the parameter “15 PHONHOME". That means that the terminal server will schedule a PHONHOME action 15 minutes after the alarm occurs.
The reasoning behind this example is that a maintenance center, for instance, will probably want to be alerted to an unsuccessful system reload to check its status. By scheduling the report (PHONHOME) to take place 15 minutes after the event, an unsuccessful reload will be reported because a SYS0000 occurs. A successful reload will not be reported because an INI000 occurs when the SYSLOAD is successful.
Also in the example, the routine "DOLIST" (which causes several actions to be performed) is assigned to the alarm "INI000". One of the actions to be performed by DOLIST is CANCEL, which has been given the parameter SYS000. When a successful system reload occurs, the terminal server will CANCEL the alert to the maintenance center. The terminal server will, however, create a log entry stating that the "INI000" event occurred.