What this Chapter Contains
The terminal server can monitor and report alarm conditions sent by a HP server or other device connected to a host port of the terminal server. Alarm conditions monitored by the terminal server and the actions to be taken are listed in a database called the Action Table. When the terminal server receives the alarm condition, or event, it compares the alarm with the alarms listed in the Action Table. If a match is found, the associated actions are automatically executed.
Actions taken can include paging, delivery to an alarm catcher and canceling alarms. If the requested action cannot be taken at that time or is scheduled for another time, the event and requested action are listed in the Event Table. The Event Table lists all pending actions. When the action is processed, it is removed from the Event Table.
∙Definition and Purpose of an Action Table
∙Definition of Alarms and Events
∙How to Create an Action Table
∙Action Table Worksheet
∙List of Internal Events and Action Routines