Error Messages

Error Messages


Trigger deadlock


TRIG:SOUR was set to HOLD or BUS and a READ? or MEASure? was


attempted, expecting TRIG:SOUR to be set to IMMediate.


Parameter error;Frequency list must be in ascending order.


Indicates that the frequencies entered using the


MEMory:TABLe:FREQuency command are not in ascending order.


Settings conflict


This command occurs under a variety of conflicting conditions. The


following list gives a few examples of where this error may occur:


•If the READ? parameters do not match the current settings.


•If you are in fast mode and attempting to switch on for example,


averaging, duty cycle or limits.


•Trying to clear a sensor calibration table when none is selected.


Data out of range


A numeric parameter value is outside the valid range for the command.


For example, SENS:FREQ 2KHZ.


Illegal parameter value


A discrete parameter was received which was not a valid choice for the


command. You may have used an invalid parameter choice.


For example, TRIG:SOUR EXT.


Lists not same length


This occurs when SENSe:CORRection:CSET:STATe is set to ON and


the frequency and calibration lists do not correspond in length.


Data corrupt or stale


This occurs when a FETC? is attempted and either a reset has been


received or the power meter state has changed such that the current


measurement is invalidated (for example, a change of frequency setting


or triggering conditions).


Data questionable;CAL ERROR ChA


Power meter calibration failed on channel A. The most likely cause is


attempting to calibrate without applying a 1 mW power to the power



HP EPM-442A User’s Guide
