Add a ringtone to a contact

Select the ringtone you want to hear when this contact calls you.

1While creating (see Create a contact) or editing (see View, edit or delete contact information) a contact, tap Set a ringtone.

2Do one of the following:

Tap the ringtone name.

To use a music file as a ringtone: Tap and tap the file name. Then tap the file name in the list of ringtones.

3(Optional) Tap to preview the ringtone.

4Tap Done.

TIP To change the ringtone for a contact, tap the ringtone and tap Change Ringtone. Delete Ringtone deletes the ringtone from the contact, not from the list of available ringtones.

Create a favourite

You can make a contact a favourite so that it appears at the top of the search results list when you search using Just Type.

1Open Contacts .

2Tap Favourites.

3Tap Add Favourite and tap a contact.

In the All contacts list, favourites are identified with a .

Remove a contact from favourites

1Open Contacts .

2Tap Favourites.

3Tap a contact and tap .

Call or chat with a Skype contact

When you add or create a Skype account on your smartphone, your Skype friends are added to Contacts. From here, you can chat with a friend, or make a voice or video call to a friend.

1Open Contacts .

2Tap a contact and then tap the contact name again. Do one of the following:

To start an IM chat with a friend: Tap Chat, enter your message and tap .

To call a friend: Tap Call. (Optional) When the call is answered,

tap to turn on video calling.

Assign a speed dial to a contact

You can assign a speed dial to any contact phone number. You can assign up to 23 speed dials.

NOTE You cannot assign 1 (the E key) as a speed dial. The number 1 is reserved for dialling your voicemail system. The # (B) and * (Z) keys are also unavailable.

1Open Contacts .

2Search for a contact (see Find a contact) and tap the contact name.

3Open the application menu and tap Set Speed Dial.

Chapter 8 : Contacts, Calendar and other personal information 103