1Search for (see Search for a specific song, album or artist) or browse to (see Browse songs, albums, artists or genres) an album or artist entry containing the song you want.

2To preview a song, tap anywhere on the song entry except the price.

3Tap the song price and tap Buy.

4Enter your email address and password, and tap Sign In. To purchase songs without needing to enter your password each time, turn on Enable 1-Click.

IMPORTANT When you are signed in to your Amazon MP3 account, your credit card is charged for the price of an item as soon as you tap Buy.

View and work with downloaded items

1Open the application menu and tap Downloads. This displays items that you are currently downloading or that you have already downloaded.

2To cancel a current download, tap .

After you download an item, listen to it in the Music application (see Get music onto your smartphone).

136 Chapter 9 : Photos, videos and music