4If you displayed additional options for the contact or number, do any of the following:

To call an alternative number for a contact: Tap the number.

To send a text message: Tap .

To save the number to Contacts: Tap Add to Contacts (see Save a phone number to Contacts).

To view a contact entry: Tap View Contact.

DID YOU KNOW? The additional options display includes the time and type (incoming, outgoing, missed) of the call. If a call history entry collapses multiple calls, the additional options show information for each call.

Work with favourites

You can quickly reach your closest contacts by phone, email or text/ multimedia message by designating them as favourites. Creating a favourite from a contact lets you view and touch base with that contact in just a few taps.

For instructions on calling a contact you designate as a favourite, see Dial a favourite.

Create a favourite

You can also create favourites in Contacts (see Create a favourite).

1Open Phone .

2Tap .

3Tap Add Favourite, search for the contact and tap the contact when the name appears.

4If the contact has more than one phone number, tap the number you want to set as the favourite. When you call the favourite, the call is made using this number.

View favourite details

From the favourites list, you can dial a different phone number for that contact, send a message or view the favourite's contact entry.

TIP In the favourites list, you can change the order of any favourite with an assigned default number (see Create a favourite and Set or change the default number for a favourite) by tapping and dragging. So you can put the people you call most at the top of the list.

1Open Phone .

2Tap .

3Tap the contact photo or contact icon to the right of the favourite name.

4Do one of the following:

To call the favourite using a different number: Tap the number.

To send the favourite a text/multimedia message: Tap .

To view the favourite's contact entry: Tap View Contact.

Add a phone number to a favourite

If you create a favourite in Contacts, but the contact does not have a phone number associated with it, you can add a phone number to the favourite in Phone.

1Open Phone .

2Tap and tap the favourite.

68 Chapter 6 : Phone