1.Press Enter.
2.Select the Task Selection option.
3.Select the Log Repair option.
4.Select the resource associated with the repair action. If the repair action was reseating a cable or adapter, select the resource associated with that repair action. If the resource associated with your repair action is not displayed on the Resource List, select sysplanar0.
5.Click Commit after you have made your selection.
Note: If the terminal type is not defined, you are prompted to define it before you can proceed.
30.Exit from diagnostics in this partition and return to the AIX prompt.
31.Have all the partitions in the list of all the partitions you recorded in step 11 on page 82 been processed?
vYes: Continue with the next step.
vNo: Go to step 24 on page 83 to process the next partition in the list you recorded in step 11 on page 82.
32.Have all the serviceable events recorded in step 4 on page 81 been processed?
vYes: Continue with the next step.
vNo: Go to step 5 on page 81 and process the next service action event in the list of serviceable events recorded in step 4 on page 81.
33.While processing all service action events, were you directed to step 14 on page 82?
vYes: Continue with the next step.
vNo: If the system attention LED is still on, turn off the LED as described in “Activating and deactivating LEDs” on page 93. Return the system to the customer. This completes the repair.
Note: If during the processing of the list of open service action events, some service action events remained open, further service actions might be required to complete the repair.
34.Perform the following steps for each entry in the list of Axx partitions you began recording in step 14 on page 82, except the partition you were using to debug the original problem.
35.From the management console virtual terminal window of a partition in the list of Axx partitions, type diag at the AIX command prompt.
36.When the diagnostic operating instructions are displayed, do the following steps: