Summary of Changes for GC26-7659-04 IBM TotalStorage
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of the change. This summary of changes describes new functions that have
been added to this release.
New Information
The following messages have been added in this edition.
Table 1. Command-line interface messages
v CMUC00216I
v CMUC00217E
v CMUC00218E
v CMUC00219E
v CMUC00220E
Table 2. DS Storage Manager messages
v CMUG00134E
v CMUG00135E
v CMUG00136E
v CMUG00137E
v CMUG00138E
v CMUG00139E
v CMUG00140E
Table 3. Storage management console server messages
v CMUN02389E
v CMUN02390E
v CMUN02391E
v CMUN02392E
v CMUN02393E
v CMUN02394E
v CMUN02395E
v CMUN02396E
v CMUN02397E
v CMUN02398E
v CMUN02399E
v CMUN02400E
v CMUN02401E
v CMUN02402E
v CMUN02403E
v CMUN02404E
v CMUN02405E
v CMUN02406E
v CMUN02427E
v CMUN02428E
v CMUN02429E
v CMUN02430E
v CMUN02431E
v CMUN02432E
v CMUN02433E
v CMUN02434E
v CMUN02435E
v CMUN02436E
v CMUN02437E
v CMUN02438E
v CMUN02439E
v CMUN03119E
v CMUN80025E
Changed Information
The following messages have been changed in this edition.
Table 4. Command-line interface messages
v CMUC00172I
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 xv