Contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN00005E SOURCE Internal error
The storage management console server reports an internal Copy Services failure.
Contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN00006E SOURCE Internal error
The storage management console server reports an internal error.
Contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN00007E SOURCE Mismatched Jar file
The storage management console server or your client software reports that one of
the Java resource files is not the correct version. The client and server cannot
operate correctly if their respective files are not the same version.
Install the appropriate versions of the management console server software and
client software. If the problem persists, contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN00008E SOURCE Invalid configuration parameter
The storage management console server detects an invalid or nonexistent
configuration parameter. Examples include:
v A null value
v An invalid extent type
v An invalid volume type
v An invalid device type
v An incorrect storage image
v An out of range subsystem identifier
Correctly specify all parameters, and then resubmit the task. If the problem persists,
contact IBM technical support for assistance.
146 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference