CMMCI9031E The help page for command command_name does not exist.


You requested help for the command command_name, but no help exists for this command.


Make sure that you are requesting help for a valid command. Enter helpfor a list of available commands.

CMMCI9032E You must specify parameter parameter_name if you specify parameter parameter_name


If you specify one of these parameters on a command, you must specify both parameters.


Run the command again, making sure that you specify both parameters. Enter help command_namefor a list of valid parameters and parameter values.

CMMCI9033E File file_name does not exist.


The file name that you specified does not exist.


Run the command again, making sure that you specify a valid file name.

CMMCI9034E Parameter parameter_name cannot be used in the same command as parameter parameter_name.


These two parameters cannot be used together. You cannot specify both of them in the same command.


Run the command again, making sure that you specify only one of these parameters. Enter help command_namefor a list of valid parameters and parameter values.

CMMCI9035E object_type object_name already exists.


You are attempting to create an object of type object_type by the name object_name, but it already exists.

Chapter 1. Framework messages 7

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Image 27
IBM DS8000 manual CMMCI9033E File filename does not exist, CMMCI9035E objecttype objectname already exists