Transferring Project Files


Download Project to DN3000
Allows you to transfer (download) any created project file from the PC to the DN-3000.
Upload Project from DN3000
Allows you to transfer (upload) the project file stored in the DN-3000 to the PC. The computer will
upload the project file under the name “NONAME.” You must save this uploaded project file using the
“SAVE AS” command from the “PROJECT” window and enter your own file name.
This feature allows you to verify a project file within your computer against the current project file stored
in the DN-3000 unit. After completing the verification process, if the project files are the same, a
message will appear stating “Data Verified OK”. If the files are different, a message will be displayed
stating which part of the project files are different.
Check Application in DN3000
This is allows you to check what type of project file is loaded (DeviceNet to PLC, DeviceNet to Motor
Drives) and which protocols have been loaded for each of the communication ports.