Software Installation


The Panel-Tec DN3000 Configuration Editor Software Program is designed to operate on an IBM or
compatible computer running MS-DOS 3.3 or higher.
While the Configuration Editor Software Program will run under “WINDOWS 3.1” in most
configurations, it is not recommended. As of this date, no problems have been reported running the
software under “WINDOWS 95”.
The configuration editor software will default during start-up to using “COMM 1” unless changed using
the OPTIONS menu. This may conflict with a mouse driver program and prevent up/down loading
configuration information to the DN-3000 interface unit.


Place the supplied program disk into drive “A” (or B).
At the MS-DOS prompt, C:> type in A: (or B:) and then press the “ENTER” key.
When the “A” (or B) prompt appears, A:> type in “INSTALL” and press the “ENTER” key.
The following message will appear;
DN3000 Configuration Editor Installation Program
Enter the drive where the editor is to be installed ==>
Enter “C” (or any other hard drive you care to use), then press the “ENTER” key.
A new message will appear:
Enter the sub-directory on drive C to install the editor into ==>
Suggested directory name is: DN3000
The next message to appear before the installation is started is:
The Editor will be installed from “A” to “C:\DN3000”
Is this correct (Y/N) ?
If the above information is correct, push the “Y” key, then the “ENTER” key and the software will be
installed. The last message to appear will be:
Installation Complete.
Enter “DN3000” to run the configuration Editor