Options Settings
Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to highlight the top “OPTIONS” heading and press the ENTER key. This will open the OPTIONS” menu. From within the “OPTIONS” menu you can change the directory where project files are stored, select the PC communications port to use, and set up your printer.
Any changes you make will only be effective while you are operating within this software. When you close the configuration software, all settings for the project directory, communications port and will return to the default, unless you save the new options to Disk.
All saved project files will be stored in the selected “PROJECT DIRECTORY”. Changing the directory setting is not usually required unless you wish to group “like” project types in one directory and other “like” project types in another directory.
Before you save your project file, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the “Set Directory”
The computer’s cursor will automatically appear at the “Directory Name.” Type in your new directory path and press the ENTER key. A small window will appear with the following message, “Directory does not exist, Make the directory?” Pressing the ENTER key creates the new directory and returns you to the “OPTIONS” menu.