Application Notes – PLCs and Devices
Registers Accessed
The DN-3000 will only access registers in Integer files in the PLC memory (N file types). When specifying register numbers in the DN-3000 Configuration Software, the file number is entered into the File Number field and the element number within the file is entered into the Register Number field.
Protocols Supported
The DN-3000 uses the DF1 protocol, which is also known as Full Duplex or Point to Point. It supports both the CRC and BCC methods of error checking.
Please note that the MicroLogix PLC only supports the CRC method of error checking. Therefore, when using a MicroLogix PLC, the protocol selected on the port configuration screen in the DN-3000 Configuration Editor must be “AB SLC500 (CRC)”.
GE FANUC 90/20, 90/30 AND 90/70 PLCS
Registers Accessed
The DN-3000 will only access registers in the Data Register Area of PLC memory (%R1 to %R9999). When entering register numbers, only the offset into this area (1-9999) should be entered. For example, to access register number %R1, the value 1 should be entered. To access register number %R9999, the value 9999 should be entered.