8051 Architectural Specification and Functional Description
updated to a one (1), a pin programmed as an input will not source current into the TTL gate that is driving it if the pin is later written with another one (1). Since the quasi- bidirectional output driver sources current for only two oscillator periods, an internal pullup resistor of ap- proximately 20K- to Microprocessor Bus
A microprocessor bus is provided to permit the 80S 1 to solve a wide range of problems and to allow the upward growth of user products. This multiplexed address and data bus provides an interface compatible with standard memories,
When accessing external memory the
The ALE signal is provided for strobing the address into an external latch. The program store enable (PSEN) signal is provided for enabling an external memory device to Port 0 during a read from the Program Memory address space. When the MOVX instruction is executed Port 3 automatically generates the read (RD) signal for enabling an External Data Memory device to Port 0 or generates the write (WR) signal for strobing the external memory device with the data emitted by Port O. Port 0 emits the address and data to the external memory through a push/ pull driver that can sink/ source two TTL loads. At the end of the read/write bus cycle Port 0 is automatically reprogrammed to its high impedance state and Port 2 is returned to the state it had prior to the bus cycle. The 80S 1 generates the address, data and control signals needed by memory and I/O devices in a manner that minimize the requirements placed on external program and data memories. At 12 MHz, the Program Memory cycle time is SOOns and the access times required from stable address and PSEN are approximately 320ns and lSOns respectively. The External Data Memory cycle
Category | 1.0. | Description |
I/O Expander |
| 8 Line I/O Expander (Shift Register) |
Standard EPROMs | 2758 | I K x 8 450 ns Light Erasable |
| 2K x 8 350 ns Light Erasable | |
| 2732 | 4K x 8 450 ns Light Erasable |
| 2732A | 4K x 8 250 ns Light Erasable |
Standard RAMs | 2114A | IK x 4 100 ns RAM |
| 2148 | lK x 4 70 ns RAM |
| I K x 4 200 ns RAM | |
Multiplexed Address/ | 8185A | I K x 8 300 ns RAM |
Da.ta RAMs |
Standard I/O | 8212 | |
| 8282 | |
| 8283 | |
| 8255A | Programmable Peripheral Interface |
| 8251 A | Programmable Communications |
| Interface |
Standard Peripherals | 8205 | I of 8 Binary Decoder |
| 8286 | |
| 8287 | |
| 8253A | Programmable Interval Timer |
| 8279 | Programmable Keyboard/ Display |
| Interface (128 Keys) |
| 8291 | GPIB Talker/Listener |
| 8292 | GPIB Controller |
Universal Peripheral | 8041 A | ROM Program Memory |
Interfaces | 8741A | EPROM Program Memory |
Memories with | 256 x 8 330 ns RAM | |
2K x 8 300 ns ROM | ||
Peripheral | 2K x 8 300 ns EPROM | |
Functions. |
Low Cost I/O Expander
User programmable and erasable.
Data memory can be easily expanded using standard NMOS RAMs.
Serves as Address Latch or I/O port.
User programmable to perform custom I/O and control functions.
Figure 2.3. 8051 Microcomputer Expansion Components