8051 Architectural Specification and Functional Description






Serial Port Operation



Mode (MSb)



Serial Port Operation



Mode (LSb)



Conditional Receiver






Receiver Enable



Transmitter Data Bit 8



Received Data Bit 8



Transmission Complete



Interrupt Flag



Reception Complete



Interrupt Flag



Figure 2.49. Functions of Bits in SCaN

Mode control hits SMO and S M I program the serial port in one of four operating modes. A detailed description of the modes is. provided in section 2.12.2. The receiver- enable bit (REN) resets the receiver's start/stop logic. When software sets REN to one (1), the receiver's transmission-rate generator is initialized and reception is enabled. REN must be set as part of the serial channel's initialization program. When REN is cleared, reception is disabled.

The CPU is informed that the transmitter portion .of SB UF is empty or the receiver portion is full by TI and RI respectively. TI and RI must be cleared as part of the interrupt service program so as not to continuously interrupt the CPU. Since TI and RI are or-ed together to generate the serial port's interrupt request, they must be polled to determine· the source of the interrupt.

2.12.2Operating Modes MODE 0

The 1/0 expansion mode, Mode 0, is used to expand the number of input and output pins. In this mode, a clock output is provided for synchronizing the shifting of bits into or from an external register. Eight bits will be shifted out each time a data byte is written to the serial channel's data buffer (SBUF), even if TI is set. Each time software clears the RI flag, eight bits are shifted into SBUF before the RI flag is again set. The receiver must be enabled [i.e., REN set to one (I)] for reception to occur.

The synchronizing clock is output on pin P3.1 and toggles from high to low near the falling-edge of ALE in the fifteenth oscillator period following execution of the instruction that updated SBUF or cleared the RI flag. It then toggles near the falling-edge of ALE in each subsequent sixth oscillator period until 8-bits are transferred. The eighth rising-edge of clock (P3.1) sets the RI or TI flag. At this point shifting is complete and the clock is once again high. The first bit is shifted out of P3. 0 at the beginning of the eighteenth oscillator period

following the instruction that updated SBUF. The first bit shifted in from P3.0 is latohed by the clock's rising- edge in the twenty-fourth oscillator period following the instruction that cleared the RI flag. One bit is shifted every twelvth oscillator period until all eight bits have been shifted. OPERATING MODES 1-3

In the UART Modes (i.e., I through 3), the transmission rate is sub-divided into 16 "ticks." The value of a received bit is determined by taking a majority vote after it has been sampled during the seventh, eighth and ninth "ticks". If two or three ones (I's) are detected, the bit will be given a one (I) value; if two or three zeros (O's) are detected, the bit will be given a zero (0) value.

Until a start bit arrives, the receiver samples the RXD input pin (P3.0) every "tick". One-half bit time (eight "ticks") after the start bit is detected (i.e., a low input level was sampled on "tick" one), the serial port checks its validity (majority vote from "ticks" seven, eight and nine) and accepts or rejects it. This provides rejection of false start bits.

The contents of the receiver's input shift register is moved to SBUF and RB8 (Modes 2 and 3), and RI is set, when a frame's ninth (Mode 1) or tenth (Modes 2 and 3) bit is received. Upon reception of a second frame's ninth or tenth bit, the data bits in the shift register are again trans- ferred to SBUF and RB8, but only if software has reset the RI flag. If RI has not been reset, then overrun will occur since the shift register will continue to accept bits. Double buffering the receiver provides the CPU with one frame-time in which to empty the SBUF and RB8 regis- ters. The RI flag is set and bit RB8 is loaded during the ninth "tick" of the received frame's ninth or tenth bit. The serial port begins looking for the next start bit one-half bit time after the center of a stop bit is received.

Data is transmitted from the TXD output pin (P3.1) each time a byte is written to SBUF, even if TI is set. TI is set at the beginning of the transmitted tenth (Mode 1) or eleventh (Modes 2 or 3) bit. After TI becomes set, if SBUF is written-to prior to the end of the stop (tenth or eleventh) bit, the transmission of the next frame's start. bit will not begin until the end of the stop bit.

In Modes 2 and 3, ifSM2isset, frames are received but an interrupt request is generated only when the received data bit 8 (RB8) is a one (1). This feature permits interrupt generated wake-up during interprocessor com- munications when mUltiple 8051 's are connected to a serial bus. Thus, data bit 8 (RB8) awakens all processors on the serial bus only when the master is changing the address to a different processor. Each processor not addressed then ignores the subsequent transmission of control information and data. A protocol for multi-80S I serial communications is shown in Figure 2.50. The SM2 bit has no effect in Modes 0 and l.



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Intel 8051 manual Operating Modes, Scon.O