Intel 8051 manual Arithmetic Operations, Internal Data Memory Logic Operations

Models: 8051

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affecting the PSW,RB registers or accumulator. When one takes into account that registers R7-RO and the accumulator can be Direct Addressed, the two-operand logic operations allow the destination (first operand) to be a byte in the Internal Data RAM, a Special Function Register, RB registers (R7-RO) or the accumulator while the choice of the second operand can be any of the aforementioned or an immediate value. The 8051 can also perform a logical or, or a logical and, between the Boolean accumulator (i.e. the carry flag) and any bit, or its complement, that can be accessed through Direct Addressing. The and, or, and exclusive-or logic opera- tions are summarized in Figure 2.21.

And (ANL)


Exclusive-or (XRL)


# data

Figure 2.21. Internal Data Memory Logic Operations

In addition to the logic operations that are performed on Internal Data Memory as shown in Figure 2.21, there are also logic operations that are performed specifically on the A register. These are summarized in Figure 2.22.










Swep-NlbbI.. (Rotate Left Four)

Figure 2.22. Internal Data Memory Logic Operations (Register A Specific)

In addition to the and andor bit logicals shown in Figure 2.21, there are logicals that can operate exclusively on a Direct Addressed bit. These operations are listed in Figure 2.23. The carry flag is also addressed as a register and can be set, cleared or complemented with one-byte instructions.

2.5.3 Arithmetic Operations

Along with the existing 8048 arithmetic operations of




Clear (ClR)


Complement (CPL)


Jump-It-BII-Set-Then-Clear-BII (JBC)


Figure 2.23. Internal Data Memory Logic Operations (Bit-Specific)

add, increment, decrement, compare-to-zero, decrement- and-compare-to-zero, and decimal-add-adjust, the 8051 implemented subtract-with-borrow, compare, mUltiply and divide.

Only unsigned binary integar arithmetic is performed in the ArithmetiC/Logic Unit. In the two-operand opera- tions of add, add-with-carry and subtract-with-borrow, the A register is the first operand and receives the result of the operatjon. The second operand can be an immediate byte, a register in the selected Register Bank, a Register- Indirect Addressed byte or a Direct Addressed byte. These instructions affect the overflow, carry, auxiliary- carry and parity flags in the Program Status Word (PSW). The carry flag facilitates nonsigned integer and multi-precision addition and subtraction and multi- precision rotation. Handling two's-complement-integer (signed) addition and subtraction can easily be accomo- dated with software's monitoring ofthe PSWs overflow flag. The auxiliary-carry flag simplifies BCD arithmetic. An operation that has an arithmetic aspect similar to a

subtract is the compare-and-j~mp-if-not-equal opera-

tion. This operation perforros a conditional branch if a register in the selected Register Bank, or an Indirect Addressed byte of Internal Data RAM, does not equal an immediate value; or if the A register does not equal a byte in the Direct Addressable Internal Data RAM, or a Special Function Register. While the destination operand is not updated and neither source operand is affected by the compare operation, the carry flag is. A summary of the two-operand add/subtract operations is shown in Figure 2.24.




Compare-And-Jump-II·Not·Equal(•••• )




,/ ,/ '"











Figure 2:24. Internal Data Memory Arithmetic Operations



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Intel 8051 manual Arithmetic Operations, Internal Data Memory Logic Operations