Canister Cleaner & Attachments
INSTALLING ATTACHMENTS ON THEATTACHMENT HOSETo attach tools to the hose, push lightly while twisting the smaller end of the hose into the tool. •
EXTENSION TUBESOne or two Extension Tubes can be attached to the end of the hose to extend your reach and efficiently use various attachments. •
SURFACE NOZZLEUNDER LOW FURNITURE/BARE FLOORSThe Surface Nozzle should be used on bare floors or for surface cleaning carpets and under low furniture.
Rubber wheels on the nozzle allow it to glide silently on the surface of hard floors without scratching and vacuum with maximum power. •
DUSTER BRUSHThe Duster Brush may be connected to the Attachment Hose or the Extension Tubes to remove dust from any surface, including contoured or irregular surfaces. •